Why Do We Lose Control of Our Emotions?

Simple, easy-to-understand whiteboard animation to help early Elementary-aged children gain an understanding of the way their brains work to recognize and manage their emotions. This is intended as a beginning resource to help children, parents, educators, and those who work with children to encourage mindfulness, empathy, and emotional regulation.

The Hand/Brain Model included in the video is a concept by Dr. Dan Siegel. More information on \"Flipping your Lid\" and the Hand/Brain model can be found at www.drdansiegel.com. You can check out a great video here: https://youtu.be/vESKrzvgA40.

Other excellent resources include:

Zones of Regulation: www.zonesofregulation.com
Mind UP: www.mindup.org

California Department of Education - Social Emotional Development: http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/cd/re/itf09socemodev.asp

Developing Self Regulating Learners: http://www.pearsoncanada.ca/media/highered-showcase/multi-product-showcase/butle r-preface.pdf

Mindful Schools: www.mindfulschools.org

Building Resilience in Children: http://www.heysigmund.com/building-resilience-children/

Calm, Alert and Learning: https://self-reg.ca/self-reg/books/calm-alert-learning/
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